“A good man will hardly be always dreaming of being a great monarch; but, such is the liberality of the Church, that she cannot forbid even a great monarch to dream of being a good man.”
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
All of us should strive to be virtuous in our work. Proverbs tells us, “The just walk in integrity” (20:7), but the complexities of the modern world and science can make this walk both confusing and challenging.
Message from His Grace Most Reverend Francis Leo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto
There is nothing more meaningful for humanity to reflect upon than its own existence…
From the beginning of our monastic journey we have held that beauty – be it in nature or through the work of human hands – is a path to the Divine.
On the outskirts of Mexico City, the Virgin Mary appears to a simple indigenous man and makes a humble request. A continent is converted and the course of history is changed forever.
Through this book, the reader enters into his own spiritual journey, as we cry out to the living God in the depths of our hearts, “Let me know you, O Lord, who know me; let me know you even as I am known.”
“I came to refute your errors, not to embrace them; I will never renounce Catholic doctrine, which is the truth of all ages, and I fear not death”.
This is the story of the intertwined personal and professional lives of three pioneering women of science, Lise Meitner, Elisabeth Schiemann, and Eva von Bahr…