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Virtuous Science

Saint Albert the Great Institute

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of God's Creation
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Editor's Choice
St. John: The Beloved Disciple of Christ

“Charity is called the bond of perfection, because it unites our soul to God…”

St. Jean-Théophane Vénard: Martyr of the 19th Century

“Now there is no one who approaches God with a true and upright heart who is not tested by hardships and temptations.”

Virtuous Science Requires More Virtue in the Experiment

The effort we put into work and career is important and fixed–effort spent on one task is effort not spent on another task.

Invitation To Be A Torchbearer For Illuminating Life!

We welcome you to join SAGI and our raison d’etre to be a unifying force with worldwide outreach and inspiration for sharing good works together!

The Voyage of Life

Be amazed! Modern medicine and science tell us more about the development of each human being from fertilization to birth than ever before. Join us on a journey where science enlightens us at every step, from the first time a human heart beats, toes wiggle, ears hear music, and unborn eyes see light – all before being born into the world. It’s a journey you’ll never forget!

The Greatest Experiment

There is nothing more meaningful for humanity to reflect upon than its own existence…

Agathos – The Good Science Company

We have initiated research projects to engineer cells to be better at what they do: producing biological molecules.

Truth is Beautiful

From the beginning of our monastic journey we have held that beauty – be it in nature or through the work of human hands – is a path to the Divine.

Nine-Month Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe

On the outskirts of Mexico City, the Virgin Mary appears to a simple indigenous man and makes a humble request. A continent is converted and the course of history is changed forever.

Saint Albert the Great Institute
Welcomes individuals and organizations who are interested in the seeking of truth, to share with humanity!
Welcome to the


Clear Filters

“Charity is called the bond of perfection, because it unites our soul to God…”

“Now there is no one who approaches God with a true and upright heart who is not tested by hardships and temptations.”

The effort we put into work and career is important and fixed–effort spent on one task is effort not spent on another task.

We welcome you to join SAGI and our raison d’etre to be a unifying force with worldwide outreach and inspiration for sharing good works together!

In the face of present-day doctrinal confusion and social disorders, Flee from Heresy by Bishop Athanasius Schneider is a clear guide to understanding the nature of doctrinal error…

God will bring about the greatest good in ourselves and in others if we are pliable in the Hands of Divine Providence and are open to doing His Holy Will in all things.